Gutloading silkworms with mulbery fruit


New Member
Since the silkworms natural food consists of mulberry tree leaves, can I feed the silkies the actual fruit as a gutload or no??
wow. thats a great question, unfortunately I don't have the answer. I dont think it is a matter of "can you" its a matter of "will they eat it"
the fruit is edible- we have mulberry trees and we eat the fruit all the time when it's in season. I feed the leaves and berries to many of our lizards that will eat such things...
Will silkworms eat them thought
Is it possible? maybe. As evolution go's, I'd have to say that the silkworms avoid the trees fruit, and stick to the leaves that their mouth parts seem taylor made for. You don't see too many worms associated with berry eating. Simply put, berry fruits attract birds and animals. So the silkworms in many cases would make a fine menu addition. Worms are much safer munching away on the underside of a leaf, and out of sight. I believe feeding fresh deep green mulberry leaves, work pretty good at passing on trace elements and nutrients
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