H2o on the floor


New Member
Does anybody have suggestions for keeping the water from misting confined to the enclosure? (I have a ''mesh'' style enclosure as reccomended for my cham) it is partially enclosed with a decorative foam peice that I purchased to help to keep the humididy up and the heat in... I sadly don't live in a warm climate like some of you lucky ducks :eek: For the past year I'v just been keeping towles down and changing them as the get wet...and making efforts keep the water in the enclosure. any inventive asthetically pleasing ideas? my water dragon's enclosure was hand built and is wood and glass so it is easy to maintain but i must admit my little girl has more specialized needs, and has been much higher maitnance. Thanks in advance:)
Shower curtains are a good idea, for a more natural affect more live plants are a good thing! (pic's of your setup can often help)
Are you having issues with too much water pooling on the floor of the cage or it spraying through the mesh onto the counters/tabletop?

The latter has an easy enough solution. You could find plastic sheeting, like for painters and hang up a panel on 3/4 walls. A shower curtain may come in nicer patterns, to suit your tastes. Also, something like acrylic plastic will work well, and is not too pricey. It'll look more like glass up on the sides.

If it's a drainage problem then you may have to get creative with how water passes through the cage. I built a table that allows the cage to sit on a rack of wooden bars, so the water goes through the cage, through the bars, and is funneled by the table into a bucket underneath. If you are handy you can make the stand look like a normal piece of furniture, and hide the bucket behind some cabinet doors, for example.

We can help you with examples if you need them.
I put a flat lid from a tote upside down underneath then empty it once a week but i have been thinking about drilling a hole in one corner as a luttle runoff into a bucket so i dont have to lift the whole cage to empty it
Thanks for the ideas! the problem is honestly a little bit of both. Your ideas should actually work quite nicely!
I have the same exact problems. I use a large towel i got from IKEA and zipptied it to 2 of the 4 walls of the cage. I just center my mister nozzle and point it a bit towards the toweled side. Keeps the wall on that side of the cage dry.

The moisture that evaporates off the towel inbetween mistings brings the humidity up also.

As far as drainage, i have a pan. But you can make a frame that the base of the cage can sit on and elevate the cage a few inches (enough for you to slip something to catch the collected water from dripping/misting. Often the weight of a plant pot will "bow" the PVC floor and the water will collect in the middle anyway. So drill holes in the center of the floor for the water to fall into the collection bowl.
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