Hand feeding training idea

Chameleons Canada

Avid Member
We have discuss before the advantages and fun of hand feeding, but a few times we find chameleons who are too shy, or too afraid to try it. Well this is an idea I came up with a few years ago and have worked like a charm to get my chams started. After a few days using it I have been able to switch to use my hand. Even if your chams are still afraid of the human hand you can use this method to control their qty of food intake.

You need:

1 chinese food stick (wood or bamboo, like the ones you find at any fast food place).

A knife.

Make a cut at the tip of the stick (in the middle) about 1 or 1.5". And that's it :)

I guess images will explain better than words.

Pinch the insect just enough to hold it in place but not to tight that the chameleon can't take it easily.

I hope you find this helpful. :)


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HA!!!!! That is a great idea! I will have to try it on a few of my tiny terrors. Although I think those ones just hate the look of my face:rolleyes:
Although I think those ones just hate the look of my face:rolleyes:

Can you blame them? :p

Neat idea though. I can see how this would be beneficial over using long tweezers. The gleam from the metal (or just the fact that they are a foreign object) may be enough to make some chams shy away.
cool im gona try this out , ive had a baby yemen for 2 weeks and he wont take from my hands :)
This worked so well, Pan used to flip on me when I had a bug in my hand...
Plain hand was fine.
Bug in hand was bad.
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