handling panthers


New Member
I just got my baby red bar ambilobe on sunday. I know that you arent suppose to handle them much but i want to get him use to me while he is young. I havent touched him since i put him into his cage on sunday. Should i wait longer before i try and hold him again? I been putting my hand in the cage for cleaning and moving branches around. Is that the best way to get him use to me while he is young? I put my hand close to him sometimes and he will slowely make his way to the opposite side of the cage. Should i stop doing that? Is it stressing him out? He will let me come right up to the cage and look at him without retreating. And he is in the family room so he sees me all the time. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I'd leave him in there for at least a week or two. Then you can take him out for about 10 minutes at a time per day and let him crawl on you. But the first week or two is stressful enough in his new home, id give him time. Right now your the last thing he wants to see :)
I can't answer this question any more.
As soon as I give my opinion....people will start chiming in about how
loveable their cham is....'he races to the top of my head the moment I open the cage!'.....'we let him ride on the cat's back!'.....'I take mine for walks in the park =)' ......'she rides around on my shoulder all day and eats crickets from my mouth.'........
Search the topic and do whatever you want.

im new at chams so ill take ur advice and let him be for a couple of weeks, but is my hand inside the tanks stressing him out? I only go in there when i have to take out crickets at night or remove the paper towels on the bottom. Thanks
Night time I think is the best. My chams don't seem to care what happens when they're asleep. They don't see to well when its somewhat dark. But even in the day should be fine if you just do whats needed like cleaning etc.
Gotta agree with Brad. This topic should probably be a sticky. Or in the general care article?

My input is this: I'm sure your little guy is used to being in a cage, having it cleaned by humans, and being fed by humans. He's seen us since the day he hatched. All you need to do is monitor him closely. Is he eating, drinking, and pooping? F. pardalis is a hardy, adaptable animal. When raised from a captive hatchling, it is even more so. They experience "stress" from real predators in the wild all the time and deal with it. Monitor, monitor, monitor. If he stops eating, something is wrong and you need to change it. If you hold him for hours a day and he continues to eat, drink, and grow normally then don't worry about it. If he's severely traumatized by handling and won't eat for days, it's just his personality and you shouldn't hold him at all.
ok thanks i think i got it..im not gonna attempt to hold him for at least 2 more weeks.. then i will just feel him out.
I can't answer this question any more.
As soon as I give my opinion....people will start chiming in about how
loveable their cham is....'he races to the top of my head the moment I open the cage!'.....'we let him ride on the cat's back!'.....'I take mine for walks in the park =)' ......'she rides around on my shoulder all day and eats crickets from my mouth.'........
Search the topic and do whatever you want.


You mean yours don't do that? Mine is going on tour, rides on my motorcycle, surfs, skiis and has his own garage band.:D
You mean yours don't do that? Mine is going on tour, rides on my motorcycle, surfs, skiis and has his own garage band.:D

Hey thats what im into!! Ask your cham if he wants to hang out sometime... most likely he will crawl up to my hand the instant you open his cage :) :) :p
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