Lately my Panther has been sleeping on the floor of the cage. I also noticed him hanging out at the bottom a little more than usual. Is this normal. My cham looks normal other than hanging out at the bottom. What do you guys think is the problem?
have you handled him recently?
does he have a firm grip?
he may be sleeping there because he is weak from some sort of problem. it could also be temps, but with it becoming winter its kinda weird that your temps would go higher, but you may want to get a thermometer in there and check it out
good luck
if you want someone to help you with the possiblility of mbd you need to give them some info on your supplement schedule, etc. along with some pictures.
Signs of MBD include but are not limited to...lack of trunkal lifting, flexible jaw, crooked arms/legs, lethargy, inability to shoot the tongue out all the way.
I can't tell you what is going on, but if the chameleon is not doing it because its hot, then it could be a sign that something is wrong.
I tossed you a PM. Let me know if you want me to stop by and take a peek at your setup and chameleon. Sometimes an onsite, 2nd opinion is helpful. I can bring my temp gun and UVB meter to get a few solid data points .