Happy birthday…

Happy Birthday @Mendez!!!
Happy Birthday GIF by Jelene
Thank you everyone!! I think I said this last year, but I hope to be more active on the forums this year. You guys are literally saving cham lives, so hopefully I be on to make your lives a little easier (and more fun ;)).
Went to the aquarium of the pacific the other day with my parents and brother and got to see their new frog exhibit! If you're in the Long Beach/ Los Angeles area, I highly recommend checking it out! They even had golden mantellas which are from Madagascar. The two images below are of the Panamanian Golden Frog/Toad (Atelopus zeteki) and Ranitomeya reticulata (from South America).

Atelopus zeteki (these guys are extinct in the wild but there are a few places in the U.S and Sout America that are breeding them and keeping their population alive and growing).


The Ranitomeya reticulata were tinyyyyy (they could easily sit on your thumbnail). Makes me want to keep dart frogs in the near future!
Went to the aquarium of the pacific the other day with my parents and brother and got to see their new frog exhibit! If you're in the Long Beach/ Los Angeles area, I highly recommend checking it out! They even had golden mantellas which are from Madagascar. The two images below are of the Panamanian Golden Frog/Toad (Atelopus zeteki) and Ranitomeya reticulata (from South America).View attachment 361463
Atelopus zeteki (these guys are extinct in the wild but there are a few places in the U.S and Sout America that are breeding them and keeping their population alive and growing).

View attachment 361462
The Ranitomeya reticulata were tinyyyyy (they could easily sit on your thumbnail). Makes me want to keep dart frogs in the near future!

They’re so cute!
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