Miss Lily
Chameleon Enthusiast
This afternoon Tommy wanted to come out so I opened his door and he walked out onto my hand like he always used to. He hasn't wanted to come out for a while, and where he still has trouble using his foot I have just let him be. Well, he's obviously feeling better today as he came out and sat with me for ages - his favourite place is on my chest (typical man, lol) and he almost wedges himself up under my chin, whilst tucking his tail down my top! He just sat there not moving and I really enjoyed my special time - he is such a gorgeous chilled out little man.
I think he has some feeling slowly returning to his foot as he now pulls it away when you touch it. He has been on his meds for just over month now, so I hope they are finally beginning to help him.
Another special moment happened too. While he was out I offered him a waxworm and for the first time ever he took it from my hand! He will readily handfeed while in his viv, but he has never taken anything from me when he's been out before. So I am one very happy Chamele-Mum today! Love you Tommy - you are one very special chameleon. <3
I think he has some feeling slowly returning to his foot as he now pulls it away when you touch it. He has been on his meds for just over month now, so I hope they are finally beginning to help him.
Another special moment happened too. While he was out I offered him a waxworm and for the first time ever he took it from my hand! He will readily handfeed while in his viv, but he has never taken anything from me when he's been out before. So I am one very happy Chamele-Mum today! Love you Tommy - you are one very special chameleon. <3