Happy Orthodox Christmas!


Chameleon Enthusiast
Happy orthodox christmas! I know you guys probably are not interested in this story but in Serbia night before christmas men go out in the woods and chop oak leaves to bring in their home to light it in fire for good luck. This sounds like some tribe thing but it’s actually really nice and heart-warming. After that we light the fire in our town part with our friends and neighbors and kids. Our part of the town has the best fireworks and firecrakcers, dont worry kids and dogs are safe! Here’s some pics 🥰. I hope I didn’t bore you I just wanted to share!
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Part-orthodox-Ukrainian here! Half my family celebrates each year, Christmas Eve is the “fasting” (eating normally) until the first star shows (hope that it’s not a cloudy day), then 12 meatless dishes (apparently fish are plants), and Christmas Day is usually lots of meat.

The whole (30+ people I barely know) family comes over and I hide in my room with my chams. There is nobody near my age, and orthodox Christmas and Easter is the only time I see them.

As it’s Ukrainian, everyone is naturally swimming in pyrohy
Part-orthodox-Ukrainian here! Half my family celebrates each year, Christmas Eve is the “fasting” (eating normally) until the first star shows (hope that it’s not a cloudy day), then 12 meatless dishes (apparently fish are plants), and Christmas Day is usually lots of meat.

The whole (30+ people I barely know) family comes over and I hide in my room with my chams. There is nobody near my age, and orthodox Christmas and Easter is the only time I see them.

As it’s Ukrainian, everyone is naturally swimming in pyrohy
Pyrohy...perogies? Mmmmm.
It all looks so good! I have no idea what most of it is though!

Sarma...cabbage rolls would be very close if not the same.
Usually nobody knows what are most things.. Every grandma has her special dishes 😂. But there are always some universal dishes. I tried “cicvara” for the first time this year at my girlfriends grandma. It looks weird but its DELICIOUS. Not my pic
It all looks so good! I have no idea what most of it is though!

Sarma...cabbage rolls would be very close if not the same.
Yeah I think so. Everyone on Balkans eats sarma and every country says tha it’s theirs invention. Probably it’s turkish ( we were all under Ottoman empire for 500 year, but here we are still 😂)
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