Hatchers and Layers


Chameleon Enthusiast
My superworm beetles are finally laying eggs all over the place. And now about 4 of my hybrid moths have hatched and two are already mating. Their beautiful gold cocoons are all hollow for now. I have one silkworm that spun a completely white cocoon, but it's rather thin compared to the gold ones, I can see the worm pupae through it. A bit worried about that little one for sure. The moths are all doing well otherwise, I have moved them closer together, and hopefully they will all do well.
So I gave my aunt, who works with 5-6th graders my most recently hatched silkworm cocoons. The moths of course will stay with me but I told her all about why these guys are gold etc, and she though the kids would find it awesome and I didn't mind at all since the cocoons were pretty much useless to me, but I didn't feel right just throwing them out because they are so absolutely gorgeous. The cocoons have some amazing structures and if you shake them and look at them right you can see the pupae casing in it.
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