Hates being misted?


New Member
Optimus hates being misted! He closes his eyes and sways side to side and then tries to get away from the mist. It's room temperature water in a spray bottle. Does anyone's cham hate being misted as well? I want to get a mistking to make my life easier but I am afraid he will commit suicide off a branch if I did get one. He also flicks his tail around if it even gets on him a tiny bit.

"I'm melting I'm melllllltttiiiiiiiiiing!!!!"
Optimus hates being misted! He closes his eyes and sways side to side and then tries to get away from the mist. It's room temperature water in a spray bottle. Does anyone's cham hate being misted as well? I want to get a mistking to make my life easier but I am afraid he will commit suicide off a branch if I did get one. He also flicks his tail around if it even gets on him a tiny bit.

"I'm melting I'm melllllltttiiiiiiiiiing!!!!"

my female starts to heavy metal head-bang if its cold water, so i have a fish tank heater in my mist king water resivoir..and when i used to hand mist ied put hot water in the bottle so when it sprays its slightly warm mist..they hate it less, but after time they get used to it..
mine hates it at first but if I stand still while misting, he will come out after a minute and crawl around. he better get used to it cause im not stopping any time soon :p
sdhli420 is right. usually warm water will make it better. Also, Check out aquazamp. They have a thing called a Raindome that might be just what you need. My panther didnt like the mistking spraying, but i made my own DIY raindome for it and he enjoyed that. Check out their website.
Dude! Maynard hates, HATES to be misted! He goes so far as to close his eyes and tries to run off blindly! It worries me that he's gonna fall one of these times! :(
sdhli420 is right. usually warm water will make it better. Also, Check out aquazamp. They have a thing called a Raindome that might be just what you need. My panther didnt like the mistking spraying, but i made my own DIY raindome for it and he enjoyed that. Check out their website.

yeah i made a dome for mine just need to install it!! good idea tho..its not so intrusive to them, and still adds humidity..:D
My cham runs for the hills whenever my mistking turns on, but when I hand mist warm water he tolerates it,doesn't seem to bother him that much. I want to get a heater for my reservoir but I hear it will breed bacteria so I'm not to sure yet.
Rofl! okay good I was worried something was wrong with Optimus. I was like dude...you live in a dang tropical area what is with you? I guess he's like me, I don't like getting my hair wet in the rain either. :)
I am so glad I asked you all this question, I was kinda bothered by how much he hated it lol

...does this mean the crickets are the flying monkeys? :)
Great question! I was thinking that my poor Shayna was really overacting. She leans and sways and squinches her eyes shut. She seems a bit smug when she's hidden in the middle of her ficus and I can't get her wet.

I'm getting a Monsoon for her. I'm tired of being the bad guy with the mist bottle.

I know this sounds like a silly question, but are we misting primarily to get them to drink, or primarily to raise humidity?

Great question! I was thinking that my poor Shayna was really overacting. She leans and sways and squinches her eyes shut. She seems a bit smug when she's hidden in the middle of her ficus and I can't get her wet.

I'm getting a Monsoon for her. I'm tired of being the bad guy with the mist bottle.

I know this sounds like a silly question, but are we misting primarily to get them to drink, or primarily to raise humidity?


Primarily to drink. I have a couple of live plants so that tends to keep the humidity at good levels. I mist for humidity purposes when he is shedding.
This was happening to my jackson. I was just using room temperature water, and after I warmed my water up she has having a great time. She wanted to be misted with warm water.:)
My chams have never been fans of getting misted - however, when i got a MistKing they used to run like the wind. Now they have gotten used to it and now sit in the water and drink for the whole 5minute misting at times.

When I used to hand mist i used to use warm/hot water which they didnt mind too much. Always test on yourself first when using hot water.
My cham runs for the hills whenever my mistking turns on, but when I hand mist warm water he tolerates it,doesn't seem to bother him that much. I want to get a heater for my reservoir but I hear it will breed bacteria so I'm not to sure yet.

yeah it does..main reason i have an all black rez bucket..you gotta scrub it off every week to avoid slime..and i use a fish tank conditioner that helps reduce bacteria and slime..ive also thought about putting a bio/mechanical water filter in there too..
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