Chloe Chameleon
Hi all. My journey with Edgar continues. I was finally able to get him to a reptile vet Tuesday 4/2 by driving 7 hrs round trip, and finally got into one of our local reptile vets this past Thursday. We are still waiting on fecal and blood test results. Both vets suspect dehydration, and maybe the effects of not enough UV (he's had good UV since this past Jan). He's received liquid calcium and water by syringe for 3 weeks, and has taken worms with a bit of help putting them on his tongue which he can't extend for more than 1/4" (he has also been able to hover over a shallow dish and eat a silkworm). Despite this he seems increasingly weak and it has become harder and harder to feed him what the vets prescribed (Critical Care Carnivore mixed with Pedialyte) I've been shown how to do it and can get one syringe in but have trouble with another (later in the day). I've had to give up and settle for 1-2 feedings a day instead of the several times a day (recommended by 1 vet) or 3-times a day (recommended by other vet). He's getting a pain med in that mix every other day. I had to establish a "hospital wing" using a smaller enclosure as our large enclosure (4'h x 3'w x 18"d) was impossible to work with. He fell t the bottom of that large enxlosure from mid-way twice, and 2/3 of the way to the bottom once. Awful. Now he can't fall but he is also in unfamiliar surroundings. He seems super stressed by all the handling - totally immobile for hours after those feedlings.
Oh, I realized the fluid mix was super cold, so am now bringing it to room temp first. Today was the first day he showed no interest in eating on his own, not even a hormworm. Is there anything else I can be doing? Anything I'm doing I should not be doing?