he ate a lizard


New Member
So my son put a little green lizard in Mr Ester my panther chams cage and mr ester just ate him.......HE isnt done yet..........Is this ok should I take it away from him???:confused: Will post a pic shortley
I actually watched a video of a cham eating a lizard on youtube, he could barely swallow it. In fact the video ended before the cham was actually done eating it, he looked like he was choking on it. Based off the video I saw, I would get that lizard away from your cham :p
I actually watched a video of a cham eating a lizard on youtube, he could barely swallow it. In fact the video ended before the cham was actually done eating it, he looked like he was choking on it. Based off the video I saw, I would get that lizard away from your cham :p

OMG he finished eating eat.........I went in and the tail was hanging out of his mouth............:eek:
will do im uploading a video tooo............should i give him a dewormer or something.........I didnt think he was going to eat it.....The little lizard was eating Esters flies and BAM ester was eating him.......HOLY CRAP.....:eek:

I didnt think he was going to eat it or I would have taken it out of the cage right away.........
will do im uploading a video tooo............should i give him a dewormer or something.........I didnt think he was going to eat it.....The little lizard was eating Esters flies and BAM ester was eating him.......HOLY CRAP.....:eek:

I didnt think he was going to eat it or I would have taken it out of the cage right away.........

I wouldn't put any other lizard in my cham cage with my cham. It's just a rule just like you can't house two together. Unless it's breeding season :)
I wouldn't put any other lizard in my cham cage with my cham. It's just a rule just like you can't house two together. Unless it's breeding season :)

I didnt....my son did and then he came and told me......I was doing my math homework:confused:

When I went in to see what he was talking about I saw the other one eating the flies and then in seconds Ester was eating him.......I guess he was mad the other one was eating his flies:p

awwwwwwwwww i hope it doesnt hurt him.......he seems fine.....he is drinking water as i type..
I would have ate the Lizard too if he was trying to take advantage of my lunch! :D Keep an eye out for poops. That is what I would be looking for at this point. Make sure his digestive system handles it okay. Then be keeping an eye out for any unusual behavior that may signify a parasite; ie. Sluggishness, loss of appetite, and so forth. In a week or two I would even consider getting a fecal done if he is pooping okay, just to be on the safe side. It is not unusual for a cham to eat a lizard. It actually makes up part of the diet of some wild species. As a matter of fact there are people who breed lizards like anoles, specifically to be feeders.

Its pretty normal ...

And providing the lizard was not from some over-crowded tank in a pet store, but rather something caught in the yard, look at it as a good protein and Vitamin A source. If it was your pet lizard ... Ooooops !

Can you see the fly wings hanging out of the other lizards mouth.....:cool:

I have a video but its not working for some reason

Should i put the pic in the upcoming photocontest..........

Can you see the fly wings hanging out of the other lizards mouth.....:cool:

I have a video but its not working for some reason

Should i put the pic in the upcoming photocontest..........

Great picture for something that happend so quick. I'm actually digitalizing it right now :D
I'm trying to find out what kind of Lizard that is. Was this in your yard?

EDIT: LOL Oh Man!!! "He'S A BAD LIZARD!!!" Your kid is going to hate chams from now on. JK... I hope not... This was a great lesson in the circle of life for your boy, however momentarily traumatizing it may have been.
He was mad...........but now he is saying he wants to catch him another one:eek: I was like no that is ok!! we will stick to flies and roaches and crickets......:eek:
I live in FL and my Panther is on the porch. I have seen him eat at least 2 lizards that got onto the porch for his food. They did not seem to hurt him then lst summer, however he is having the closed eye thing going on recently, (not related) He also ate a very large spider!!!
I scrolled down too fast... that looks like my first pet lizard and it made me tear up a little..
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