He DID it!!! NomNomNom


New Member
Kush FINALLY hand fed! Before he gave in he actually hissed and lunged at Zack's hand! :eek: Then, I guess he figured out that there was food in that hand and he went after it! He ended up eating 3(he missed once). I'm so proud of him! I've been really working on building his confidence around us, and I've taken it REALLY slow as to not stress him out. It was starting to feel useless, but today I feel like we've made a HUGE step in the right direction! Here is a pic of him chowing down!!


Congrats, I love it when they will eat out of your hand, luckily I have not had any trouble with my boy not eating out of my hand......it is fun when that happens.
Way to go Molly & Zack!!!
Careful with them silk worms tho,,,,they like to nibble hands and arms,,,,I was putting one on my wrist so Guber would walk onto my hand and it kinda startled me when it started nawing on my skin!!!!!
:D Grats on the break-through. I find that even the toughest and meanest chams will come around eventually if you give them the proper space, time and love. Many of my boys were grumpy and pissy when younger, but now all my boys are able to be handled and hand-fed without any problems.
Slinko...I still haven't tried the silkworms...we actually got him to eat crickets from Zacks' hand!

But, yeah, I have been going really slow with getting him acclimated to me. It's taken a lot of baby steps to make it this far, but it is SO worth it! :D
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