He has a name! lol


Chameleon Enthusiast
Well, we have named the new little Ambanja... Boomer! He is doing well and been enjoying soaking up the good ole Florida sunshine everyday! He is very tiny for being almost 4 months but I trust the breeders so I have to go with that. Now don't all kill me but I have no pics to share right now. My I phone took a dump in a glass of mountain dew(don't ask how) my sons I phone got lost at college on Monday and no one was kind enough to return it. My digital camera got dropped on my deck as I was trying to get a few pics(yes hard to believe) and will not come on now. My only resort for photos is my daughter's I phone and she is never here literally during the day!!! Am working on getting a few pics up soon. Cannot get a new phone until Feb28th when my contract is up for renewal. I am so pissed right now! Probably will be getting a new camera here soon too.
Cute name! I am in the same boat with the iphone. My upgrade isn't available until March 6. I can have an early upgrade with any phone except the iphone 5. Ugh. My camera lens is all scratched on my current phone. So frustrating that we pay so much money to them and they restrict us like that:mad:
Wow! So many camera woes! Almost comical... :) Can't wait to see pics and I'm not crazy about the name (Boomer Sooner), but it is a cute name. ;)
Wow!!! You have had a lot of electronic mishaps. I would be going crazy if I had to wait until the end of feb for a new phone. Try soaking it in a bag of rice and see if that brings out the moisture.

On the other hand I love the name!!
Wow!!! You have had a lot of electronic mishaps. I would be going crazy if I had to wait until the end of feb for a new phone. Try soaking it in a bag of rice and see if that brings out the moisture.

On the other hand I love the name!!

I tried that for two weeks.I think the Mountain dew was the killer. If it had been water, maybe. My phone has been down for awhile now. I have a crappy old phone that I am using and I hate it! I know I am counting down the days til I can get another one. I am so upset about my son's phone too. I had just bought him a real nice case for it. I called the phone, left a message on voice mail, and begged the people or person who found it to please return it to lost and found but no such luck. I would never do that to someone if I found their phone. Alot of not so upstanding people out there unfortunately. Glad you like the name!!!
Wow! So many camera woes! Almost comical... :) Can't wait to see pics and I'm not crazy about the name (Boomer Sooner), but it is a cute name. ;)

Boomer was not my first choice but my daughter who is 20 yrs old btw, hounded me about the name and I finally compromised with her. It is kinda growing on me. I think it is cute for a baby but not so sure how it will sound when he is a big bad A$$ adult!!!!!
Boomer was not my first choice but my daughter who is 20 yrs old btw, hounded me about the name and I finally compromised with her. It is kinda growing on me. I think it is cute for a baby but not so sure how it will sound when he is a big bad A$$ adult!!!!!

I'm just messing with ya. I'm a Red Raider and can't stand longhorns, ags or boomer sooners... :)
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