He Hates Me...

jr andrade

New Member
I have a veiled and he does the same thing. At least you can get him on your hand. I can bribe him onto my hand with food but don't trust that he wont bite. I was told over time this will get better but my question is always when???
Just to be clear... Not all chameleons "get over it". I have a 2.5 year old veiled and he's a little meany. That's just how chameleons are. Each has their own tempermant but normally they do not like to be handled all too much.
I am convinced that I will always have a mean one. I am okay with that. I didn't get a Cham to hold if I wanted something to pet or hold I would get a hamster. Lol
I know it's not hate, in fact he's actually calmed down a little since i bought him nov. last year. When i first had him there was absolutely no way to touch him or bribe him onto hands, he just wouldn't have it:rolleyes: In my opinion though the meanest are the BEST breeders and veilds are notorious for their temperament, my two baby veiled's are absolute devils they will bite as soon as you go to get your hand under them and yet still will eat food directly from my hands:rolleyes::rolleyes: ive been doing this for about a month too and yet the trust-factor has not risen yet but that is to be expected from the young ones.

OH! And does anybody know what CandyCane Man's male offspring look like as adults? Thanks.
In my opinion though the meanest are the BEST breeders and veilds are notorious for their temperament, my two baby veiled's are absolute devils they will bite as soon as you go to get your hand under them and yet still will eat food directly from my hands:rolleyes::rolleyes: ive been doing this for about a month too and yet the trust-factor has not risen yet but that is to be expected from the young ones.

Well, I don't have babies yet so I probably shouldn't express an opinion but my male veiled is a sweetheart and he LOVES the ladies. I've taken him out to give talks to kids, anyone can handle him, he comes right out of his cage and he's still a great breeder and nice to the females. My female is an absolute love who will follow me around (Because she knows I have the bugs probably) and she lays eggs like there is no tomorrow. We have over 130 eggs that are due to begin hatching in a couple months.

(not all from the same clutch)

I am hoping this good nature - as well as their amazing good looks - are inherited by the babies but I know that is not necessarily the case.
I love the way you talk about your chameleons, it really shows good character. If you love the babies as much as you have loved your adults, they are bound to be as charming as your adults, no doubt... There is always going to be sweet ones and ones that are well... absolutely disruptive! Haha:p
I love the way you talk about your chameleons, it really shows good character. If you love the babies as much as you have loved your adults, they are bound to be as charming as your adults, no doubt... There is always going to be sweet ones and ones that are well... absolutely disruptive! Haha:p

In my opinion, chams are always disruptive. whether its cuz they are mean, or cuz you are so addicted to them you feel the need to buy more, or bc one is expecting eggs, or going thru a shed, or something seems off, or you simply are worried if they are eating. they are always disruptive to everyday life. which is why we love them!
its really hard to see through all the gaping and ninja posing but personally i really think he is saying i love you and if you would come closer he would like to give you a kiss. i could be wrong but maybe take him some beer and some worms. you guys might be able to make a really good eharmony video in the end.
its really hard to see through all the gaping and ninja posing but personally i really think he is saying i love you and if you would come closer he would like to give you a kiss. i could be wrong but maybe take him some beer and some worms. you guys might be able to make a really good eharmony video in the end.

Love it! :p;) Bow chica wow wow
I love the way you talk about your chameleons, it really shows good character. If you love the babies as much as you have loved your adults, they are bound to be as charming as your adults, no doubt... There is always going to be sweet ones and ones that are well... absolutely disruptive! Haha:p

thank you! they are all well-loved.

we have a couple of the "disruptive" ones as well :)
In my opinion, chams are always disruptive. whether its cuz they are mean, or cuz you are so addicted to them you feel the need to buy more, or bc one is expecting eggs, or going thru a shed, or something seems off, or you simply are worried if they are eating. they are always disruptive to everyday life. which is why we love them!

very true!!
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