He is a Boy... Right..?


New Member
Hi, My Chameleon Has 3 toes on one side and 2 on the other side of his foot, he has no spurs, im pretty sure this means hes a he right? :eek::confused:

Looks like someone needs to do a little bit more reading....things like this are good to know if you are going to start breeding for profit:rolleyes:
I was told by the girl at the reptile store that male veileds have spurs and female veileds don't, and that panthers don't have them at all. Any accuracy to this?
I was told by the girl at the reptile store that male veileds have spurs and female veileds don't, and that panthers don't have them at all. Any accuracy to this?

She is correct.....just needed to add that the spurs are on the back legs of the male Veileds.
My He is a SHEEE!!!! HELP

My HE Is a SHE Anything i need to know... i only studdied the stuff for guys... :S :(:p:eek::rolleyes:
Well the main difference is that females will lay unfertilised eggs on her normal cycle, so you will need to keep an eye on her for when she becomes gravid and wants to lay. Get hold of a bucket and some coconut rusk/play sand so you have it on hand just in case.
I use damp play sand. I don't like to complicate things with items I know nothing about. I know there are folks that use the above, some use a mixture of sand/dirt. But as long as they can dig a safe tunnel that won't collapse in on them it is good.
Yes; she'll say one thing but mean another and never fall for her tricks like 'do these vines make my behind look fat?' :D
Hi, My Chameleon Has 3 toes on one side and 2 on the other side of his foot, he has no spurs, im pretty sure this means hes a he right? :eek::confused:

The Spurs are on the male veileds - no spurs means likely a female veiled (there are occasionally females with small bumps that may suggest it is a male when it is not)
pictures of what the spur on the hind foot of the male looks like can be found in this thread:

Read up on how to deal with an egg laying female. :)
I recommend that you provide a place in the cage for her to dig to let you know if she needs to lay eggs so you won't miss the sometimes subtle indications.
I'm Still Unsure...

Ive checked Yoshi (He/She??) Lots... cant see a bump, or torsel or whatever it was called ;) Uhm... the pet store said it was a boy when i got 'It' Not sure now... i will be taking pictures.. and posting them sometime today... Not sure if i can get a good enough picture... But i will Try

Id like to thank everyone for there help on this, ive posted so many forums asking so many questions, and pming people lots of times... Buggin all of ya:p, But thanks For your help! :):cool:
This is a male-see the tarsal spurs...

This is a 4 month old male-see the stripes...

If there are no spurs and no obvious stripes-you have a little female.
here is a good pic of spurs. CIMG0787.jpg they can be small somtimes, in my case there is no question. ive been told you can also tell by bump right behind anus.
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