Health Concern for my Cham


New Member
Hello to all,
I recently got a flapneck cham, and she was doing great for a month. She is still very healthy or as it seem, she recently developed a small black patch on the tip of her snout (upper and lower). The next day it was an open wound and im concerned the bottom will soon be. Her mouth has no signs of patchy areas and she is still very active and eating very well 4-5 cricks a day. Any suggestions ? Any help would be wonderful
maybe you should fill out the "Ask for help" form

Pics are really helpfull!!!

hope for the best:eek:
I'm going to suggest a vet visit and a fecal exam for parasites. I've lost 2 to that because I didn't recognize the symptoms. The first symptom for me was exactly what you said "small black patch"....
If the black patch turned into an open wound that probably isnt good, Id go see a vet right away and get a fecal done like Elizadolots suggested. Anything that turns into an open wound is probably some kind of bacteria or parasite, well it is in humans anyways haha but i dont think its too different in any case.
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