I am honored to announce that Olimpia has received the Chameleon Forums Heart Award. Olimpia is a former staff member that helped moderate the community for several years. She always gave smart adivce to members and steered new keepers in the right direction. Hundreds of existing and future members will benefit from her wisdom and experience. In addition to her work here, Olimpia has also created a very well-written blog on chameleons: www.muchadoaboutchameleons.com. Thank you, Olimpia, for your contributions to Chameleon Forums and the chameleon community in general.
The Chameleon Heart Award is an acknowledgment of those individuals that have greatly contributed to the community in one way or another. Some recipients have developed blogs and resources that over time will reach thousands of people and their pets. Some have worked very hard trying to moderate and keep the community a friendly place for all levels of keepers. Others have for years improved discussions with their experience and knowledge, sacrificing their time to help the community. Some have done all of the above. All recipients of the Heart Award have made a tremendous positive influence on the community.
There are many people who sacrifice their time to help other members at Chameleon Forums and the community is a much better place because of it. All of these people truly deserve recognition and it's unfortunate that the award can't be given to everyone that contributes.
Previous recipients:
Carlton, Carol5208, Chris Anderson, ferretinmyshoes, Jannb, Kinyonga, Sandrachameleon and Trace