Heat pad?!


New Member
Hi guys more questions have read the care sheet and it says no heat pad. Also pet store is saying that I should have a UVB 0.5 & 10.00 to make it more sunny is this not too much?? I just want to make sure I have all my facts right when I buy everything to set up the viv. Have taken a note of all the temps etc and won't be getting my Cham until everything is set up and temps are steady... Obviously I will monitor it all the time too... Thanks in advance for any replies oh also a basking light normal White household bulb 40 to 60w.
no heat pads.

listen to the care sheets and people here, not the stupid pet stores.

99% of the time, they don't know what they are doing.

we all use housbulbs for basking, cuz they are so much cheaper.

you don't want 2 uvb bulbs, as that can be too bright for them.

just listen to the caresheets on here.
Hi guys more questions have read the care sheet and it says no heat pad. Also pet store is saying that I should have a UVB 0.5 & 10.00 to make it more sunny is this not too much?? I just want to make sure I have all my facts right when I buy everything to set up the viv. Have taken a note of all the temps etc and won't be getting my Cham until everything is set up and temps are steady... Obviously I will monitor it all the time too... Thanks in advance for any replies oh also a basking light normal White household bulb 40 to 60w.

If your cage is not larger than 4-ft (you'll have to do the metric conversion, I am feeling lazy) tall, you only need one UVB lamp. The 5.0 would be fine. Both bulbs together in a small cage might be too much. A normal bulb for the basking spot would be fine, but get yourself a digital thermometer to measure the temperature of the basking spot. You may need to adjust the wattage depending on seasons.
Hey! Not sure if you got my reply to your pm, I'm on my phone and not sure how to work it lol. What viv did you end up getting? My first purchase the guy sold me a heat mat for the bottom of an exo terra tank and told me to keep the heat bulb and cfls inside the cage. Big mistake for me to listen to him lol. If your cage is smaller than 4' I'd use a 5.0 and 10.0 if it is 4'
I went or I am going for the vivexotic it's wood with glass and mesh at the top but they have put more ventilation in them.. I'm worried about my house being too cold in the winter... I didn't get your pm fusshc. It's less than 4 so I think the 0.5 light will be enough an defo no heat pad.. Thanks every bit of advice I will listen to and use...
I so definitely agree with Lathis here. "DON'T LISTEN TO THE PET STORES!!!'. If it wasn't for this forum, 2 weeks ago I may have had a dead Veiled Cham on my hands. I was steered so wrong by the pet store that it caused him to get MBD. Should I have done research, 100%, I did some, but not enough. These people on here truly know what they are talking about. You can find anything that you would ever need to know on here. FYI - I am going to post in a few, but Chevy is doing amazing! He began to shed today, getting plumper, dance walking, and his crown is straightening up.
Chevycham glad your Cham is on the mend!! I have been researching for weeks to the point my kids are like chameleon stuff again!!! But this forum is amazing and I will defo be following their advice... Xx hope you Cham get healthier and thrives even more
Here is the latest one I heard from a pet store. "The crickets we sell here are very high in calcium and you don't need to supplement". What is that? Needless to say two reptiles are now dead from MBD. As this guy was telling me this I just was amazed and shouldn't be.
There's nothing wrong with having a heat mat, certainly in colder climates.

I have always used one in my Exo Terras to keep the ambient temperatures up overnight when it gets cold... which it certainly does in Glasgow.
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