Heat sick?


New Member
6 week old Triggs (Jackson in a heat wave here) ran from the mister, hung from the top of the cage up side down and turned white. Did he get up there hanging and exert himself too much in the heat? It's in the 90's.
He was shaky so I took him nearer to the air conditioner. He colored himself in pasty greens.
Well the lighter they are they are trying to reflect heat...maybe you should place something over half of the top of the cage to give him more shade and make sure he get extra misting. When its in the 90s here they get as many as 6 15 minute mistings a day.
Cant keep them in that kind of heat . Your lucky he didn't pass. If the heat is that bad move indoors or must have constant mist on them all day. I lost a Montium that way when I was at work one day.
I don't even use a heat source for my jacksons, they really don't need it unless it gets below 75!!
I know this heat wave is kicking my but. I live near Stockton and temps in my room get around 92*F this past week. In order to cool Herbie down I've been misting his cage six times a day. The water evaporates really fast.
Poor Butter, my 4 month old veiled hasn't been outside all week. Here in the high desert of Ca it's been in the 110's and too hot for him to go outside even with mistings. When it's in the 90's I put him out in his exploruim for a couple hours with mistings every 15 or 20 minutes.
Ok... to answer all that has been said... there is no heat in use... Triggs was in the shade and I mist a lot and hang wet towels on one side of the cage. It's just that my apartment is hot. Upstairs and no insulation. That's why he might have run from the mister. Tired of it... I mist so offten. I've got a small cool mist humidifyer and a small clip fan, fanning it like an evaporative cooler of their own. All operating.
Day after... they have very little appetite today.... Triggs and his sister Lali. :{ 1 cricket each is all.
I'm not far from you Mark... This heat wave sucks :p" I can't even go into my bedroom until late at night. Got the gang in the living room like seen in my gallery picture. Front window gets morning light only.
i got sick like 5-6 times this summer from the heat ,i havent passed out thank god

That's a lot of times to be heat sick.
I've been seriously thinking of moving to Berkeley where ist's always 13 degrees cooler than here. Have you thought of avoiding stroke and moving too? lol
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