Heat Wave


So...like a lot of us, we are going through a record heatwave in the NE for this time of year. Naturally, My ambient temps have fluctuated. My nightime temps are spiking to about 71. I am assuming I should forego fogging at night until this changes? I would just plan to either mist more during the night or during the day to compensate. Any suggestions appreciated!
My opinion would be to skip the fogging and add in some misting sessions during the day. Can probably keep basking lights off if you haven’t done that already.
What James said and you may want to get a window air conditioner or portable air conditioner for that room to help while it is so hot.
Thanks! The high is only 74 during the day and 70-71 at night so an ac is not necessary. It’s not a reality anyway. I am going to add two more 2-3 minute misting sessions during the day while it is this hot outside. The heat lamp is on a dimmer thermoset set to 81 and it is not even on right now due to the heat from the jungle dawns keeping the temp up.
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