Hello everyone


New Member
Hi Guys
Just thought id introduce myself
currently have one male veiled chameleon called wilson (after the volleyball in castaway)hehe
Also have a load of marine fish.
Bye for now
Hi and welcome! I see you're just over the water from me! I'm over on the Island! It's cool to know that there are members living really near to me as well as the other side of the world!
Harri welcome to the forum. You have a male veiled, well tell us all about him and take pictures. How old is he, how long have you had him, etc. We all love to do show & tell with our animals.
Lots of marine fish would be wonderful. I kept marine fish when I lived close to a city where I could get them. Now I live in a VERY rural area. Pictures of your fish would also be welcome.
hes around 1 year old
His birthday is on the 14 of April
He likes to come out of his cage alot for some reason he likes to climb the stairs.:confused:


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heres some more pics


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Welcome to the forums. Are you sure your veiled is a he? Does he have bumps on his back of his heels of his back feet? I have a female and she looks just like your.
The more I look at these photos the more I think you have a female. The last 2 photos she even looks like she has eggs. Has she been eating? Wondering around the bottom of the cage? What's her temps? How often do you feed her? You need to provide her with a laying bin......if she does have eggs she could become egg bound and that could kill her.
I feed every day 3 locusts
Temp is 28
Occasionlly wondering round at the bottom of the cage.
How do you make a laying bin just incase she is egg bound:confused:
When the female is getting ready to lay she will often go off food and will become restless, spending more time near the bottom of her enclosure and frequently pacing it's edges. At this point the female should have a laying bin, in a private area with minimal disturbances. A large container filled with a mixture of 50/50 mix of sand and soil. It should be at least 12 inches deep. This mixture should be mixed with water and compacted so that it is moist enough to hold the formation of a tunnel but not wet.

This ia a great blog to get info about chameleons......read the section on raising a female veiled.
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Taken some more pics sorry about quality
Do you think she is egg bound?:confused:


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Egg bound is when she has eggs and not able to lay them. She seems fat and looks at though she might have eggs and need a laying bin. I keep a laying bin in my girls cage all the time.....just in case. When there suprs on the back feet?
She definitely looks female - she's got that rounded shape! Lily loves to climb the stairs too! She is also getting very fat - about a week away from laying again I think. Can you see jelly bean sized lumps above her back legs when she's resting?
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I only saw and felt Lily's eggs when she was about a week from laying. But then she did have 103 eggs packed inside her little fat body!! I didn't think she looked that fat really, but it was her and my first clutch so I didn't know what to expect. I know better this time and I know what to look out for too!
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