Hello Fellow Cham Lovers

lost my mind

New Member
I'm a relatively new comer to the hobby. I've always had and breed King and Milksnakes. I have four Ambilobes and one Male Nosy Faly. I live near Madison Wisconsin. I love the state of Florida, so that is where I go to get away with the family. Great place to raise Chams I'm sure.
I have two teenage sons and a young 52 year old wife who is battling Alzhiemers Desease. Since I'm home all the time I figured I'd get those Chameleons I always wanted. I had no idea they were so much work and worry.
Welcome to the forum:)
Its a great community of people and they are so supportive and helpful. You will enjoy it here.
Alzheimers is a hard one... cherish the memories and enjoy the good days... you have our support during the hard days.
Welcome to CF!
Glad you found us!

They can be a lot of work and worry, but this is a great community, and we all try to help each other out and lessen the stress:rolleyes:
They are very rewarding though.;)
Welcome! Sorry to hear of your wifes illness and I hope your chams keep you busy and maybe help take your mind off of things for awhile. I live in Florida and yes, it is cham heaven all year round!!!
Hello other fellow cham lover, glad you joined us. You will find everything about chams is discussed here. We post pictures of poop, of butts, and all the good stuff, babies are great, as are all the other beautiful varieties of chams we have.
Sad news with your wife. Hope there are a lot of good days. We are here for the good and the bad.
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