Hello! New owner of a Veiled Chameleon!


New Member
Hello! Can you help me to know if my chameleon is a he or a she? Also we are new chameleon owner and we are a little confused on how to feed it. We currently given superworns and crickets but we are now changing to waxworms and dubia roach. How many a day should we feed it. Our chameleon is about 7 to 8 months old.

thank you


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Hi and welcome to the forum!
Could you post some pictures of the back of his/her back feet? In one of the pictures I am seeing a tarsul spur but I’m not completely sure.🤔 As for feeding you should be feeding about 10 bugs every other day. You can cup feed, hand feed, or free range your insects. I would suggest cup feeding so you can keep track of how much he/she is eating. If you would like us to do a full husbandry review just ask.😁
Congrats on the new addition to your family. Lots of great information on this site to get you started. Looks like a female but hard to tell without a clear pic of the back of its hind feet. I have a female veiled. I mostly feed crickets. Sometimes I cup feed, other times I dump them in the cage and let her hunt. I occasionally feed BSF larvae or a super worm.
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