

New Member
Hi, I'm new here. I have been reading for a couple days before I decided to post. My family and menagerie is the happy parents of a new small panther cham (Jellybean). I also have a male veiled who is about 9 mo (Chameleo). We also have/had other types of reptiles and furry pets. Right now we have 4 dogs, 2 cats, 2 ferrets, 1 California banded king snake, 1 mali uromastyx, 4 fire belly toads, 1 saltwater aquarium, and 1 freshwater aquarium. As I am an at home mom I keep up with them all:D . Plus add in my 3 kids and husband I fell like I should be charging admission. LOL Thanks for letting me join.

Oops forgot the guinea pig
Holy cow- that is almost an ark full! :eek: With 3 kids I bet you have the whole neighborhood coming over to see the "zoo". Be sure to post some pics! :)
LOL yeah, I told my kids that I would start charging $.10 to every kid that they bring over:D. I will try to post pics after I get the kids to clean up their stuff (they had the whole week off for Thanksgiving).
I got some fire belly toads for my son when he was 10 the last one died just last year. My son is 28 now. Guess your in for the long haul.
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