Help a Houston Chameleon!


New Member
Hello! I am the proud caretaker of a veiled chameleon named Gilgamesh. We've unfortunatly hit a bit of a rough patch as we are residents of Houston, and our city is mostly underwater at the moment. I have no live food left, Gil has gone three days without a meal, and there's no telling when I might get my hands on some feeders. Are there any easy-to-access human foods I can use as a substitute just until supply lines are restored? Additional information: getting him to eat his greens is about as easy as it is for a fussy toddler.
Thanks in advance!
If he was an adult he could go 5 days without feeders. Keep him well hydrated. He may eat greens as he gets hungrier.
As a LAST RESORT ONLY rather than have him die you could feed him plain chicken baby food or possibly egg. I wouldn't do it unless he was getting weak and there was no other choice. I doubt he would eat it voluntarily and it would have to be fed by syringe. This has to be done properly or he can aspirate and die. Don't do it unless you are sure you know how. Chicken or eggs are a very poor food for chameleons. They don't process the proteins well.
Hopefully someone can come up with a better solution or has a way to get feeders to you.
Hang in there.
Sorry to hear you are under water. I would think that house flies and such would be prolific right now, because of the standing water. Maybe you could trap some for him? Also not ideal, and risky because you don't know where they have been (pesticides and such), but it's better than him starving to death.
Thanks for the advice! House flys arent really common here, and it still hasn't stopped raining in any event. Gilgamesh is well hydrated and still active so doesn't appear to be in a last resort condition yet. The rains are supposed to (finally) stop tomorrow, guess I'll try a bug hunt then!
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