help! eyes closed? worried!


New Member
* Cage Type - Screen cage 24x12x26

* Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 18inch 15watt and for basking i use zilla 50 watt day light. i keep them both on from 11am-10pm

* Temperature - Day-75-85. Night-70-75

* Humidity - 50-60% Showers every other day and misting 3 times a day

* Plants - hibiscus and dracaena with fake vines

* Location - On a dresser in my room

* Your Chameleon - Female Veiled chameleon. about 3-4 months old i believe. My first.

* Feeding - Feeding 7 crickets every other day. Monday repto cal. Wed reptivite (vit A). Friday and Sunday just natural crickets

* Watering - I shower,mist and drip. She doesn't really drink from misting or drip but in the shower she does drink.

* Fecal Description - Looks normal, white and brown but seems to be getting smaller

* History - Bought healthy from the pet store

* Current Problem -
I've had my female veiled for about 3 months and for the last week she started to keep her eyes close. I'm not sure if she eating because I'm not around enough to watch. I just switched her plants from ficus to hibiscus and dracaena because I herd that the ficus could leave a sap that could irritate the eyes. I bought some repta rinse for her eyes and it seems to help a little but some days it seems she doesn't move from the spot from where she has awoken from =(

i hope shes ok. I've been trying hard to make her feel better.
Nice to have somebody doing the list rite away :)

* Cage Type - Screen cage 24x12x26

* Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 18inch 15watt and for basking i use zilla 50 watt day light. i keep them both on from 11am-10pm
just as suggestion, try to emulate the real sun light schedule. It's more natural for her.

* Temperature - Day-75-85. Night-70-75
what about the basking temp?

* Humidity - 50-60% Showers every other day and misting 3 times a day
showering every other day seems a bit excessive for me. The handling can get intense right? she probably stressed out.

* Plants - hibiscus and dracaena with fake vines

* Location - On a dresser in my room

* Your Chameleon - Female Veiled chameleon. about 3-4 months old i believe. My first.

* Feeding - Feeding 7 crickets every other day. Monday repto cal. Wed reptivite (vit A). Friday and Sunday just natural crickets

* Watering - I shower,mist and drip. She doesn't really drink from misting or drip but in the shower she does drink.

* Fecal Description - Looks normal, white and brown but seems to be getting smaller

* History - Bought healthy from the pet store

* Current Problem -
I've had my female veiled for about 3 months and for the last week she started to keep her eyes close. I'm not sure if she eating because I'm not around enough to watch. I just switched her plants from ficus to hibiscus and dracaena because I herd that the ficus could leave a sap that could irritate the eyes. I bought some repta rinse for her eyes and it seems to help a little but some days it seems she doesn't move from the spot from where she has awoken from =(

i hope shes ok. I've been trying hard to make her feel better.

in the mean time, try to reduce the shower schedule to once a week.. or only if it absolutely necessary..
and try to follow the sunlight schedule.
What about food? what kind of feeders? Do you gutload?
Well I feed the crickets Zilla cricket food. It says it provides a "super-charge" or carbs, calcium and beneficial calories. Then I have ReptoCal with D3 and Reptivite which has all the vitamins that reptiles need. (has a picture of a jackson chameleon on the front) Plus liquid calcium spray.
Well I feed the crickets Zilla cricket food. It says it provides a "super-charge" or carbs, calcium and beneficial calories. Then I have ReptoCal with D3 and Reptivite which has all the vitamins that reptiles need. (has a picture of a jackson chameleon on the front) Plus liquid calcium spray.

hmm... i never use Zilla Cricket gutload so i am not familiar with the effectiveness. But, as a suggestion, you could try for dry gutload and provide fresh veggies for your crix (dandelion is the best).

Careful on that reptivite as they contain a preformed vit A. You don't want to overdose your cham with vit A. as far as the calcium spray, is it the one that you spray on the skin? I hate those stuffs.
For a growing baby girl i would be feeding her more than 7 crickets every other day. I know she isn't a baby baby but she is still growing and needs much more than that.

For a growing baby girl i would be feeding her more than 7 crickets every other day. I know she isn't a baby baby but she is still growing and needs much more than that.

Hmm. Yeah I could understand that. How much should i give her? Some times she seems to ignor that they're even there. Like she does'nt want to eat
...How much should i give her? Some times she seems to ignor that they're even there. Like she does'nt want to eat

A 3-4 month-old female Veiled will probably eat something like 10 small crickets a day. If you are feeding crickets that are too large for her then she may ignore them. Closing both eyes for a week usually means that there isn't much time left to sort things out before it is too late. A visit to the vet is in order ASAP (tomorrow). Along with photos of her, also post photos of her entire setup.

What part of the world are you located?
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