Help finding Dubia roaches and morio's in the UK.


New Member
Hi, I need Help finding Dubia roaches and morio Worms in the UK.
i would like to try some silk or pheonix worms aswell but there not as important.

I have Emailed "The roach shop" a few times but got no reply and the people I normaly buy morio worms off have let me down with postage so dont want to use them any more. And every time I look at for silks and pheonix worms they say there in stock but when you get to the counter there not!

I would like to start a breeding colony of dubia (Only need to feed to adult veiled so not sure how big I a colony I would need, maybe 50 adults?)so would appretiate any help finding these please.
I have purchased Phoenix worms from both Butterworms and Roach shop. Maybe the current weather has something to do with it - there's no point posting insects for them to arrive literally frozen to death! I have purchased silkworms from ebay too.

I get locusts, crix, mealworms, waxworms and morios from here: - they are only 10 mins down the road so I go in and buy direct! I know they have a backlog of orders to dispatch from New Year and the current weather is making it difficult to get from one town to the other, never mind getting post, etc off of the Island!
I have purchased Phoenix worms from both Butterworms and Roach shop. Maybe the current weather has something to do with it - there's no point posting insects for them to arrive literally frozen to death! I have purchased silkworms from ebay too.

I get locusts, crix, mealworms, waxworms and morios from here: - they are only 10 mins down the road so I go in and buy direct! I know they have a backlog of orders to dispatch from New Year and the current weather is making it difficult to get from one town to the other, never mind getting post, etc off of the Island!

Yea I understand the weather issue but that shouldnt stop the roach shop from replyling and from updating there website at least every couple of months, I meen its not a 1 off, everytime I look to buy something it becomes out of stock when you but it in the basket.

livefoodsbypost have no roaches but they do have morio's although they are on the expencive side, thank you for your help.

Anybody aware of any more good sites?
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