help for alternative food when neo food isnt in


New Member
this post is on behalf of my girlfriend (ange loves the chams), for those of you wondering, i am not trying to creep on someone on here or flirt with them, but we have actually been together. now that we have that out of the way... the feeder supplier for the pet stores is being very unprofessional. this morning they said they didnt have the pin heads in which we pre paid and ordered last week, so the pet store is going to throw us a culture of fruit flies on the house because she feels absolutely terrible. anyways, she called me back and asked if we still wanted the flies because the guy said the pin heads actually did come. well i went there and waited for half an hour, only for her to call and get "we dont have the pin heads" shes like what the ughh!!! so i am getting fruit flies again, but now i am stressing because this company is becoming very unreliable. anyways, these brev hatchlings havent eaten for a day. and i was wondering, upon fruit flies and pin heads, is there another alternative to food? i was wondering if making up a little bit of repashy and putting a drop on their noses would suffice for a meal? i know repashy is for grested geckos and fruit eating reptiles, but ive also fed this stuff to a female veiled before. any experienced keepers have any tips? pleasseee
live food only.
your best choices will be fruit flies, pin heads, recently hatched silkworms, aphids, gnats

If you culture your own fruit flies, you wont be as dependant on the supplier.
I'm not sure about pygmies but i have fed baby mantids to newborn chams before. you can get egg sacks from most flower nurseries (they are used to eat aphids off of plants)
thank you guys for your input. i just have many problems with this right now, #1) cultures take from a week to three just to get started, i dont know how long eggs take to hatch.
#2) mantids eggs take time to hatch
#3)im limited to only pin heads and fruit flies (mantids are out of season where i'm from now)
#4) i cannot get any fresh silk eggs or pupae

we cannot depend on the resources we have right now, these neonates were not planned of course, other wise we would have prepared. i need a next best thing to continue feeding these guys if sources dont run through :( how long can a neonate go before problems occur?
I cant imagine why you could not get silkworm eggs. There are several suppliers in your province.
same goes for fruit flies - you should be able to get ready made cultures off the shelf, or shipped overnight. There are quite a few suppliers in Ont.

If there is an organic farmer nearby, they'd be happy to have you come take away aphids.

very very small mealworms are also an option.

I expect the hatchlings could go a few days with just water. Better to feed them at least twice daily of course.
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