Help keeping worms


Established Member
I got a new monitor today, and got about 200 supers for free (helps knowing employees lol) anyways, currently i have them literally sitting in an extra snake rubbermaid tub i had laying around cuz its about a week and a half worth of them. I dont want them to die off, and i hate having to pick them off the slippery plastic bottom, what can i keep them on and is a rubbermaid tub ok to keep them in? I forgot to ask Corey but supers are a pretty main staple for monitors so im going to be getting alot of them and need to know..

Also, how hard are they to breed?
Mine are kept in an opaque plastic container with no extra heating or anything, just about 4" of oat/bran substrate. As long as they can't climb out, pretty much anything deep enough will work.
Yep-good old oatmeal works great-I get the non-instant kind. Throw some sliced up apple, carrots, sweet potatoes etc. to give them food and moisture and gutloading and you are good to go!
As has been said...oatmeal makes a good base. Just make sure it's original and not some other flavor...:D

Then like Julirs said, keep some apple slices, potatoes, or carrots in there for moisture. I also throw some greens in there for additional nutrition.
thanks guys and gals. I did a little research after i posted, but i always make the mistake of posting then reading :eek:
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