Help me! Cockroach nightmare!

Tay And A

Of course the one time the chameleon room door gets left open the cats get in there. And they knocked over the cockroach bin!! What do I do?! I have cockroaches everywhere! I put duct tape down so that if they walk over it they will get stuck. But what else can I do!? I'm at a loss here! Please help me!
try and catch what you can and then put some food out for them to eat. when it gets dark they will probably come out and eat if they are hiding.
Do you want to kill them or catch them?

You can line all possible room exits with borax, that will kill them off good. The duct tape is a good idea too but once it gets a little dusty they will walk right over it. A shallow tray of water vinegar and sugar will drown them.

I would turn out the lights and sit in the room with a flashlight to catch as many as possible. Lay out some of their favorite food. I would put cricket crack and apples my roaches flock that combo like crazy, sit there with a flashlight and pick em off. Then after that lay out borax in all the corners to kill stragglers.
Put a heat lamp in a 3 sided box in the corner of the room with a damp rag on the ground....lower your house temp a little and you should find them in there after 6 hours or so...
:eek:What kind of roaches are they? If they are Dubias, they will not likely survive in your house because of the weather and temperatures and won't be able to breed as they need it to be hot. In addition to food you could put it in some type of container laying sideways on the floor so they can get into it, also put some egg cartons in it so they can hide. Also if you have some way to suspend a heat lamp over the bin to heat up that area and keep the rest of the room cooler they might be attracted by the heat also.
Assuming you want to capture them alive, you might try to make a bug catcher: place a shallow tub in the middle of the room with fruit inside, use paper or cardboard to make ramps leading into the tub but coat the insides with petroleum jelly so roaches can't climb back out. Leave it out until you stop catching roaches.

It will take a while and won't get them all, but you might be able to recapture some of them.

Alternately, get yourself some geckos and release them into the house :)
Do you want to kill them or catch them?

You can line all possible room exits with borax, that will kill them off good. The duct tape is a good idea too but once it gets a little dusty they will walk right over it. A shallow tray of water vinegar and sugar will drown them.

I would turn out the lights and sit in the room with a flashlight to catch as many as possible. Lay out some of their favorite food. I would put cricket crack and apples my roaches flock that combo like crazy, sit there with a flashlight and pick em off. Then after that lay out borax in all the corners to kill stragglers.

I love your workable practical advice. I may need your ph# for the solution to my next disaster.:eek:
I didn't lock the bin the other night and woke up to adult dubias running across the top of Waldos enclosure... I think that I got them all back into the bin. Lol
Man I finally got the wife to agree to let try dubias. I can't let her see this thread. Good luck with the hunt.
I love your workable practical advice. I may need your ph# for the solution to my next disaster.:eek:

All you have to do is ask. I'll even give you my real number!

Man I finally got the wife to agree to let try dubias. I can't let her see this thread. Good luck with the hunt.

This where your wrong. I have a similar problem, my wife fears and hates the roaches. I told my wife all about it and made sure she knows there are quick easy solutions for just such a catastrophe. Not to mention it is fine because there is no risk of infestation because of the wise choice of roach. "Now those people who culture Turkish, or even worse German roaches are truly nuts". Plus I gave her a choice, roaches or tarantulas.
Haven't been able to catch them. Oh well time for some borax in all corners of the room the ones that are still in the bin I am selling !!!!!!!!!! Lol
those people who culture Turkish, or even worse German roaches are truly nuts". Plus I gave her a choice, roaches or tarantulas.

Why not Turkistan roaches? They do not climb, fly, or jump and I thought they also required heat to live and reproduce?
The proviso I got on being able to keep my Chameleon was if ANYTHING escapes, she and me are out, so this is my worst nightmare!!!
If you want to bait and try and get some dubias back to restart your colony, try creating a humid, dark warm hide with a source of food like fresh veggies. It might be made using a heavy plastic storage box, setting it up similar to a roach tub, possibly with the addition of slightly damp substrate (cyprus mulch?) and fresh veggies, and placing it against the wall with access doors cut into it next to the wall so roaches moving along the wall have easy access in and out of the tub. The whole thing could be placed on a heating pad.

My father invented something similar when i was a boy to catch snakes that got loose in his car and house (embarrassed to admit that as a pre-teen I lost a few in those locations- looking back the car ones are especially regretable- in those days snakes and other herps were caught on camping trips, etc, and not available or sold in stores)- a black garbage bag with damp grass clippings attracted the lost snakes every single time without fail. Sometimes it took a few days, but they always showed up enjoying the mini environment created in the plastic garbage bag.

Something similar could be tried- black plastic garbage bag with a damp substrate in a warm location in the room- placed near a heat vent or where a heat vent blows on it and warms it. Those roaches are going to seek warm and moisture and food and dark if they can find it.
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