Help me Please!!!


New Member
I have a 7 month old Jackson Chameleon, and both joints on his right front limb are very swollen, as well as his knee joint on his back right limb. I feed him regurarly, and make sure i proportion all his calcium and vitamin treatments as recomended. I do not think it is MBD because he is able to move about and grip just fine. His color is still fine as well, and he still loves to get out of his cage and move around on the ficus plant i have sitting on my end table. Is there a posibility of a break or infection wit no behavior out of the ordinary?
Help us help you!

Fill out this form for people to be able to chime in. I know you said it doesnt sound like MBD, but all the information you have provided to us points to exactly that, early stages of MBD. Based on the inforyou have provided, you might have an issue with your lighting, but its very hard to tell without more info -

Get us some photos too if you can!

Cage Info:
Cage Type - What kind of cage are you using? What is the size?
Lighting - What kind of lighting are you using? How long do you keep the lights on during the day?
Temperature - What temperature range have you created? Basking spot temp? What is the temperature at night?
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels?
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
Location - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas?

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon.
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What kind of schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Supplements - What are you dusting your feeders with and what kind of schedule do you use?
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings.
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
re: Help us help you....

Cage Info:
Cage Type - It is a 100% screened cage, and the dimensions are 4'H X 16" X16"

Lighting - I use 1-100W basking lamp, and 2-75W lamps towards te bottom of the cage to mintain temp. I also have 2-5.0 UVA/UVB lamps one at the top and one at bottom to provide to entire height of cage.

Temperature - The temp of the cage is between 65-70, and th ebasking spot is generally in the neighborhoodof 83. At night, the temp is usually around 60 because thats what the house temp is at.

Humidity - The humidity is between 50%-60%, and to maintain it i mist 3 times a day, and have a bubble stone in a bowl of wtaer on teh bottom of the cage.

Plants - I have 2 live Philodendren plants in the cage, along with numerous fake plants. I also provided vines and branches to climb on.

Location - The cage is in my bedroom, which is located on the second floor of my home, and i am the only one up there ever. It is near a window, but i generally keep the shades closed.
Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - It is a 7-10 month old female Jackson Chameleon.

Feeding - She gets crickets and wax worms. I feed her 5 crickets a day, and 2 wax worms every other day. I gut load them with flukers cricket food/water, and also apple and carrot. I feed her everyday on my way to school, so between 8am and 9am
Supplements - I use calcium suppliment without Vitamin D3, and Reptivite with D3. I alternate dusting every 2 days, so 3 times a week.

Watering - I have a bubble bowl, and I mist regurarly. I see her drinking quite often, in fact, she loves lapping water dripping off her nose as i mist her.

Fecal Description - All her droppings are hard, brown pellets, about the size of a pea. Her uriate is very orange, and is solid and liquid.

History - She was bought at a local petshop, and I was assured that she was captive bread. She sheds about every 1-1 1/2 months. She generally stays toward the top of the cage, and hardly ever comes out of the cage other then when she comes out to enjoy the Ficus plant on my desk when i clean her cage. Her cage is cleaned weekly, and the capreting is sterilized with bleach at each cleaning.

I hope this helps, I will have pics up soon, i just do not want to overload this post so it is not to overwhelmig for others to read.
what are you gutloading your crix with?

Allow your cham to escape both UVB and BAsking temps. Placing lights high and low on your cage is not providing a gradient of either UVB or temp.

The yellow urates are a concern. THey generally suggest dehydration, but you mentioned that your cham is drinking well.

Possible gout or edema???
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