Help my cham won’t drink


My veiled doesn’t seem to drink, his urate is orange and white and I’ve been directly feeding him water, I haven’t tried the shower method yet and he’s still eating regularly with his supplements not to sure what else I can do, I’m new to the forum and have looked at other threads, however nothing has seemed to work
Please fill out the ask for help form (link in my signature below) and post pics of your cham and the cage
try hornworms they're full of liquid, that should hold him over and turn his urates yellow at the least then try showers, how long is your misting
You need, at minimum, 3 mistings a day, but preferably more depending on humidity, for at least 2, but preferably 5 minutes long, each time
You need, at minimum, 3 mistings a day, but preferably more depending on humidity, for at least 2, but preferably 5 minutes long, each time
When I mist for more then 2 minutes the bottom of my enclosure starts to fill up with water not sure how fast it will evaporate but I’m currently not using bedding in the enclosure
When I mist for more then 2 minutes the bottom of my enclosure starts to fill up with water not sure how fast it will evaporate but I’m currently not using bedding in the enclosure
Don’t use substrate for veileds, you should have a drainage system set up for your cage
When I mist for more then 2 minutes the bottom of my enclosure starts to fill up with water not sure how fast it will evaporate but I’m currently not using bedding in the enclosure
veileds have a tendency to eat substrate so dont put any in, use paper towels, its an easy clean and good for the cham. i agree with the drainage system, you will need one.
A shower is when you put a plant, branch, or stand, etc. in a shower and face the shower head away from it and facing the wall so the offspray lightly mists the plant, branch, or stand. Make sure the water is room temperature. Supervise and leave your cham in for 15-30 minutes
I’ve never had a real shower session work, but I’m not trying to discourage you from trying it in the least. As a matter of fact I’m encouraging you to give it a shot. Every Cham I have ever put in a shower, only twice, has absolutely freaked out and both were very calm chams.

I guess the only reason I’m making this post is to tell you to take it real slow, if you get your Cham all stressed before you get him in there he’ll never relax long enough for the shower to work, good luck!
A shower is when you put a plant, branch, or stand, etc. in a shower and face the shower head away from it and facing the wall so the offspray lightly mists the plant, branch, or stand. Make sure the water is room temperature. Supervise and leave your cham in for 15-30 minutes
just uploaded a bunch of pics and am following your steps, I’f you guys notice anything I should/shouldn’t be doing let me know


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