So I bought a female veiled chameleon several months back she is now 5 1/2 months old. Recently she has stopped eating she completely ignores her crickets and other bugs that I feed her. She has had some health issues when I bought her (from a large petstore) she had parasites and an URI. I went to an exotic vet in my area and she prescribed antibiotics (baytril by mouth and also baytril saline through nebulizer, panacur for worms, and metronidazole. I treated her for a few weeks and her symptoms seemed to go away so I stopped the antibiotics. Recently I've introduced a humidifier she seems to like it and will bask and breathe in the mist. Her enclosure is about 90% real plants using a medium zoo med reptibreeze. The humidity is now about 85-95% with the humidifier, Basking bulb 100W UVA with temps 90-95° ambient temps around 75°, 15W 18" T8 UVB hood bulb, Coconut fiber substrate at the bottom. She used to have a very strong appetite and now I'm concerned because she won't eat. I've also noticed that she has become noticeably more pale in color she used to display very vibrant colors. I've been orally feeding her reptaboost twice a day. She's very active still drinks and climbs around the cage and her grasp is strong. I have noticed she's been going to the bottom of the enclosure a lot I do have an egg laying bin for her incase she has eggs to lay. She is still leaving fecals around the cage although they are smaller than normal. Could she be impacted? I know a lot of you guys are expert breeders and have a lot of experience with chameleons I'd appreciate it if anyone could leave feedback as to what could be the problem. I'm hesitant bringing her back to the vet as they seem to not care about my animal and only want the $.