I got both my chameleons about 4 months ago. We just went through an ice storm about two weeks ago where the whole area lost power for a few days and I had to put the chams by the wood stove. As soon as power was back on downtown, we brought the chams to our business and hooked up their UVB lights and heat lamps.
About a week ago my female became lethargic then would keep her eyes shut - even when moving around her cage. I tricked her into opening her mouth for crickets but then couldn't get her to do that. She got severely dehydrated and died Wednesday. The most marked thing to me was that she kept her eyes closed for several days before getting so weak she fell to bottom of cage and died soon after.
At that time I had my male looked at by a vet and wormed. The vet wasn't very experienced but said he was a good weight and looked well. Fast forward two days and he's now keeping his eyes closed unless I annoy him or there's a new voice and then he cracks them a bit - just as the female started out in her decline. He's open-mouth breathing, weak and listless. Took him to the vet and he got fluids and antibiotics, but again, vet is not experienced. He now lying at the bottom of the cage and not moving, drinking or eating.
What is wrong?? Why did they both decline so quickly and in close proximity to each other?? I changed out UVB bulbs and gave calcium -- previous owner had told me calcium with D3 once a month, which I know is not enough now since doing some research on the forum. The only other thing brought up was pneumonia from a chill during ice storm, but vet didn't hear anything with stethoscope today.
Has anybody experienced the hibernation-like closed eyes, lethargy and weakness? Any thoughts appreciated!
About a week ago my female became lethargic then would keep her eyes shut - even when moving around her cage. I tricked her into opening her mouth for crickets but then couldn't get her to do that. She got severely dehydrated and died Wednesday. The most marked thing to me was that she kept her eyes closed for several days before getting so weak she fell to bottom of cage and died soon after.
At that time I had my male looked at by a vet and wormed. The vet wasn't very experienced but said he was a good weight and looked well. Fast forward two days and he's now keeping his eyes closed unless I annoy him or there's a new voice and then he cracks them a bit - just as the female started out in her decline. He's open-mouth breathing, weak and listless. Took him to the vet and he got fluids and antibiotics, but again, vet is not experienced. He now lying at the bottom of the cage and not moving, drinking or eating.
What is wrong?? Why did they both decline so quickly and in close proximity to each other?? I changed out UVB bulbs and gave calcium -- previous owner had told me calcium with D3 once a month, which I know is not enough now since doing some research on the forum. The only other thing brought up was pneumonia from a chill during ice storm, but vet didn't hear anything with stethoscope today.
Has anybody experienced the hibernation-like closed eyes, lethargy and weakness? Any thoughts appreciated!