Help, my veiled won't open her rt. eye!


New Member
I have a 1 year old female veiled. I've had her since she was only about 2 months old. Excellent health. Today I noticed she is keeping her right eye closed. She will slowly & barely open it for just a split second, but for the most part, it almost looks like it's painful to open it. I have not done anything different with her lately. Her eye looks mucus or anything like that. She just won't open it! Could she have possibly gotten stuck in the eye with something like a branch in her cage? Any thoughts on what I should do or what it may be from?

Please help, she looks uncomfortable.
Could try misting with warm water, or using some kind of saline rinse, in case she's got something in her eye. But if she damaged it /scratched it or has an infection, a vet visit may be in order
The saline rinse or a shower sounds like very good ideas.

But it will help to find the source of the problem if possible. To do that it will help if you fill out the folllowing and post pictures of your viv and cham if possible.

Hope your cham is doing better soon

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