i walked in to the room with my Cham today to Find him laying dawn at the bottom of the cage
I brought him into my room and watered his mouth he accepted
Now he gave movement but I'm still very worried

Help needed asap
Oh poor baby- did the vet not tell u what he concluded it to be?
Id of asked what they thought was the issue and what type of injections they were giving and what for!!
I would never allow my vet to inject unless I was totally sure what it was and why they were using it!!

Hope he gets better super super quick .
Oh poor baby- did the vet not tell u what he concluded it to be?
Id of asked what they thought was the issue and what type of injections they were giving and what for!!
I would never allow my vet to inject unless I was totally sure what it was and why they were using it!!

Hope he gets better super super quick .
Sorry just seen the kidney failure message!!
Poor baby what did they say about curing it ?? X
To answer some of your questions yes he's have access to water at all times but the disease is genetic and is dormant for a long time and it is impossible to cure but their still is a 50/50% chance that he will survive
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