help! odd behavior...


New Member
So within the last 1.5 months, give or take, my male 8 month old ambilobe has been on something of a poop strike. Never had problems before (got him in august). He always had nice big poops with healthy urate every day and now he has some normal poops and some that seem dry (like raisins), but the urate still looks good and it's about every few days that he goes. All at once, he overcame his hesitation with me holding him and now he ONLY wants to be out and to poop on my new carpet. He also doesn't seem all that interested in food... just wants to get out. Albeit I am out of crickets and the dubia are more difficult for him to find. However, I can't even open the cage to try to help him with feeding because he will ignore the food and jump onto my arm (almost literally jump). Anyone experienced this? I have a Nosy be female around 4.5 months, but his view of her is blocked. He can see my bearded dragons though (male and female), but I didn't really think that would be an issue. Any one run into something similar or have any thoughts?
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