Help please!


New Member
My female veiled chameleon is always left alone til I put crickets and mist her. But for some reason now, she gets mad even though im far away like 2 steps away, just looking at her cage temp. When she sees me or my boyfriend, she gets mad. She even attacks the branch inside. The temp. is always the same, never been changed. Everything is the same. The only thing that did is before, the cage was on the ground and when the furniture got rearranged, we put her up because a reptile representative told us it would be better to do so. And right next to her cage is my cabinet and whenever I go to get something, she starts attacking the cage for no reason. Is this because she needs to lay eggs, so she gets mad a lot? She is I believe 1 year old now. And what do I do?!

Thank you!
Does she have a laying bin? If not it may be a good idea to make her one up, and I do agree that it's better for your Cham to be higher up just like she would naturally. Anyway it could be any number of reasons why she's nasty, did she used to have a temper or has it just started now?
Does she have a laying bin? If not it may be a good idea to make her one up, and I do agree that it's better for your Cham to be higher up just like she would naturally. Anyway it could be any number of reasons why she's nasty, did she used to have a temper or has it just started now?

No, I haven't put up a laying bin yet and yes, I will do that. She did not have temper at all and just started now. Also, I noticed that, she is always laying down on a branch. It may just be my imagination though but at the same time, im not sure. Like, now whenever I check up on her, she seems to be like sitting down. Her front legs on the branch same with the back ones but the back ones are more down to the branch (like sitting down) maybe for support? Do you think she is about to lay eggs but not comfortable enough or is it just me? She recently is done shedding and gotten a little bit bigger though and her colors have gotten darker and when I get her to get natural sun light, she turns to a darker green.
I have never personally owned a female, but from all the research and reading i have done, I believe I have gathered that by about five months or so every female should have access to a laying bin at all times. Im sure you have found by now that it can be very hard to see that one may be carrying eggs. Even more so with the sperm retention they can become more confusing. Not sure if this is the problem or not but if it is not it will become a problem sooner or later.
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