Help Please.


New Member
My chameleon has started to go on the floor more often now and has become less friendly. I have checked for eggs( But there are none ) wether she is trying to find a place to lay her eggs but not. She has stopped eating much, like she really liked locusts before and now she is not really interested.
Can somebody please help to see what is the matter ?
Josh :D:confused:
It would be much easier to help if you could provide more info about your cham and her set up. Please fill in the 'How to ask for help' form in the Health Clinic section. Do you have a laying bin in her cage? How old is she?
It would be much easier to help if you could provide more info about your cham and her set up. Please fill in the 'How to ask for help' form in the Health Clinic section. Do you have a laying bin in her cage? How old is she?

She is about 1 year old,
She is in a 2" x 2" x 3" Wooden Vivarium.
Diet : Consists of Locusts and Hardly any waxworms.
She has no Eggs as i have checked so its not anything to do with that.
Anything Else ?
What harm would it do to put an egglaying bin in the cage just in case you can't feel the eggs?? If you're wrong you risk eggbinding and death.
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