Help Please


New Member
:confused:Hello from a new Cam owner..

Our family purchased a male and female Cam a couple of months ago and now they are both around 10 months old. Our cam laid her first clutch on October 30th and was shortly after seperated from the male. She continues to dig holes, remaining in them for hours, not laying eggs..with the exception of one recently on the surface. She does not look gravid, is eating and drinking...but does look like she is holding eggs.

We need some she just dug again this am...we found one on surface but none in soil.
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Sounds like she is eggbound or getting ready to lay another clutch. I would be worried about the being in the holes for hours and not laying. A vet visit sounds in order here.
She laid only about 20 on Oct 30th...she dropped one a week ago and one yesterday..while she has the hole dug..she left it on the surface.
Well until monday give her complete privacy...she may not be finishing because she keeps seeing you. If they think you know their laying site they will abandon it.
I don't mean to frighten you!

My female was doing the same thing and I lost her. I would really look into a vet visit. I didn't do a check on her myself until about two or three weeks after she laid 20 or so eggs. When I felt her belly and could feel more eggs I should have taken her into the vet... but I didn't. A few days later I lost her. I didn't take her to the vet because I wasn't sure what they could do and well, I still don't know what can be done.

But I think you should take her in and see what they can do for her. Good luck!
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