Miss Lily
Chameleon Enthusiast
Last week I ordered some silkworms but all but two arrived dead. I complained and was offered a replacement order when they are back in stock. Well, the replacements have now arrived BUT I don't have any chow!
I am sure I posted about alternative food for silkies before but I can't find it.
Is there anything else that I can feed them that won't make them die off before they get eaten? Thanks guys - I want to raise some of the bigger ones to the pupal stage - I love those silkmoths, they are way too cute!
Might give breeding a go too this time now the weather is warmer.
Is there anything else that I can feed them that won't make them die off before they get eaten? Thanks guys - I want to raise some of the bigger ones to the pupal stage - I love those silkmoths, they are way too cute!