Help/suggestions needed, any opinions appreciated.


New Member
Right first off, I know that glass/solid sides are frowned upon here, but as I live in England (a lovely cold place!) So many chameleon keepers and breeders have told me that a semi-solid enclosure is not detrimental to a chameleon’s health. I have read the issues with glass (reflections stressing a cham etc.) but I was wondering what the alternatives are, as the keepers/breeders have warned me that it is a lot of hassle to maintain humidity and temps in a full mesh enclosure with the weather here.

So the idea was for me to build a custom viv that has mainly solid sides, but with a mesh lid and sections on the sides made of mesh to help with ventilation (I understand that chams require a certain amount of ventilation) and a drainage system in the bottom. If there was still a ventilation issue I was going to put a small fan near the cage just so it creates a small current of air around the enclosure to aid ventilation.

I have drawn up a few plans, but I do not have a scanner so I roughly (and I mean really roughly!) recreated one of these plans on…. Paint. Please don’t laugh too much at this primitive mock up plan as I only want to do everything right before I get the chameleon so he will have a long and happy life.

I’m getting my Panther chameleon at around 3-4 months old with a set up small viv (mesh lid) and have been told to get on the way to building/buying the new full sized viv ASAP.

Once again please don’t slate the idea of this viv as I am open to any suggestions to make it better but I just need an alternative to a full mesh enclosure.

If you feel i have missed anything out in this text or the design please feel free to ask, as i recreated this design from work with little time on my hands.

Anyway here is the design so far.

Thanks for all those who have read this far!
the sides and back are blank as they are left open to suggestions. otherwise i will put large vents on those sides. thanks again
Well, MattiBee soled glass enclosures can pose a large problem.
I think if you were to do the same thing I'm doing you will be ok.
First, what species of chameleon is it?
I am doing two sides of opaque glass, the kind that people use in their bathroom windows.
Its more white/clear with a bubble texture.
It is important to use a fan aswell.
This will help to keep the air moving.
Try to find my thread "Glass Type?" in the enclosure secion of the forum.
Chris Anderson posted some good information on this subject.
What is your temperature in your home?
If it isnt below 75 I wouldnt worry to much.
A good UVB light and a 75-100 watt bulb will keep your "hot spot" plent of warm.
It is a Ambanja Panther Chameleon and after reading the other thread you mentioned, i am interested in getting a mesh viv and possibly replacing 2 of the sides with something solid, such as plastic and drilling holes in it for ventilation. Is there any mesh vivs that are available to me (i live in England, so main brands only) that are suitable for replacing some of the sides with plastic?

I'm not sure of the temp in my room but will look into that.

Another major concern is the possibility of a power cut around my area, they only ever last a maximum of a 3-4 hours but i am assuming that mesh vivs don't exactly keep their heat well. Power cuts don't occur very often around my area at all but I know it will be my luck that one will happen and I would like to be prepared, any suggestions on a precaution?
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