Help with Butterworms Please

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
I bought Amy some butterworms and I know that they will keep for ages in the fridge. My question is this: Do I need to feed them with anything? Is so, what? Do they eat silkworm chow? They came in a tub of woodshavings (like waxworms) which I keep in the fridge.
Butterworms only eat a certain species of plant an their native South American habitat. They live solely of their fat stores after they are shipped as feeders.
Tiff, I have put in bran like you get at a health feed store. Are you sure Amy needs all that fat? Isn't she a little pudgy now? She needs non-fat butterworms. :p
Thanks! I'll put them in bran tomorrow. I bought them as treats and variety for Amy. I don't think she's fat - she puffs up at the camera!:rolleyes: She weighs about the same as JannB's Camille did at 8 months, so I don't think she's overweight.
I was given a few fly casters by a friend, and I think he got them from someone on a Mantis Forum (or somewhere like that)! Amy wasn't that bothered with them really! I think you can get frut fly cultures over here too.
I can't get flies for the life of me in the U.K:confused:

Can't you get maggots from a bait shop and let them turn into flies? And Tiff, who did you get the butterworms from? I tried one site, ordered some locusts too, and they forgot to send my order! by the time they sorted it, they had run out of butterworms!
Can't you get maggots from a bait shop and let them turn into flies? And Tiff, who did you get the butterworms from? I tried one site, ordered some locusts too, and they forgot to send my order! by the time they sorted it, they had run out of butterworms!

Emma, I get butterworms and silkworms from here: I find their service to be really good. When Amy was smaller I wanted to try silkworms and I asked if they sold small ones - I was told to specify that I wanted small mediums when I placed my order - they were very helpful!
ive just read today , that you can feed butterworms on honey and bran mixed . you dont need to water them .I had to chase up my order of butterworms , prob beceause of the snow ? i got the trial pack of 25 for £6 . they were fine .she loves them .
i had wondered about live bait from the fishing tackle shop.i dont know
Butterworms don't eat the bran they are shipped in, or that you put in their container, but they do spin a webbing to enclose themselves in the bran. I have noticed I get longer life out of them if I don't tear their "house" apart.

Don't add vegetables for moisture, they don't need it, and you will get a gooey mess!:D

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