Help with lighting. Reptisun/Power Sun?????


I have heard many different thing about Power Sun by Zoo Med and I don't know whats best.

I have a 34x24 that my panther lives in. I have a power sun 100w and a reptisun 5.0. I have heard the power sun is not very good for chams. Should I use both or just one or the other? The power sun is used mostly for heat. I have it set to one corner and about 5 inches from the top of the cage and the reptisun is over the middle, I have a hibiscus for shade and vines and bamboo for basking.

Any suggestions?
you could ditch the power sun, they arent really nessisary because they dont put out any uvb and if your only using it for heat a regular 60w incandecent house bulb will do they same thing.
you could ditch the power sun, they arent really nessisary because they dont put out any uvb and if your only using it for heat a regular 60w incandecent house bulb will do they same thing.
The power sun will not cause any problem if a use it?
The power sun shouldn't cause a problem, but they are expensive and not necessary. You'd be better off with a 50 watt bulb for heat - much cheaper and consumes less power too.
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