help with popping sound


New Member
Ok I have a baby veiled chameleon aka lil foot. sometimes when I'm around his cage I hear him make a pop out his mouth but only if he notices me. And its only like one pop or two but after that he don't make them. Plz help me. Is he sick oh and another thing sorry I don't know his age.
They make popping noises when they have a respiratory infection. If its not too bad yet just increase his temps a bit and it will usually clear up within a few weeks. If not then you may need a vet visit. Good luck!
They will sometimes do that when they are mad. Every so often mine will "snort" when I walk past her cage then walk out of my view. Still wouldn't hurt to get yours checked out though!
Hello, welcome to the forum and to the wonderful world of chameleons!! As awesome as they are, they are very sensitive creatures and can be difficult to care for at first. We were all new to them at some point (I still am; only been about a month and a half since I got mine dropped into my lap), but the people on here are super helpful and friendly.

Since chameleons are so sensitive, and since you have questions about how to raise the temperature, please, please, please fill out the questionnaire. Be as detailed as possible, as it sounds like you may be new to reptiles. Don't spare on any little bit of info, as it may help you and your Little Foot. If you can, could you post pictures of both her and her enclosure. That would be really helpful, as well! :)

Thank you!!
Signs of Respiratory Infection are crackling/popping sound when breathing, pointing their head up to breath, and bubbles coming from their throat/mouth. I know because my guy got an RI.
Dacrazycanadian is correct, but please fill out the form so we can address what issues might have caused it, and prevent anything else from occurring health wise down the line. They can go downhill quickly without proper husbandry and if issues aren't treated quickly!
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