Help with Sexing Please


New Member
I would appreciate any assistance on sexing this little chameleon. "She" should be approximately 8 months old at this point. It was sold to me as a female, but I just want to confirm for sure as I need a girl for my big boy, not another boy ;) I am thrown off as I thought the red coloration of throat area and green hues on the body were indicicative of a male. This is a Ambilobe Panther chameleon according to the breeder. If she is an actual female, she will turn out to be a stunner! If you need better pictures or pictures of the base of the tail please let me know. Thanks and have a nice day!


  • New Panther Chameleon 001.jpg
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    New Panther Chameleon 004.jpg
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Well since the tail base isnt really in the pics, yes please more tail base pictures!

but if she really is 8 months old.. then she should be displaying adult coloring if she was a he.

my male ambi is 4 months old and hes already got red bars coming in.
She looks to be female. If we could get a tail base shot, that would be great! Can I ask why her eyes are closed? Looks like the right eye is closed in the 1st pic and the left eye in two other pics. Just curious. Thx!
That is good news.. I will post more pictures when I get home from work of the base of her tail. To answer question about closed eye, I think she has something irritating her eye, especially the right one. I am working to massage and wash whatever it is with a q-tip and warm water gently. If this does not remedy, I will look into further action. Thanks for the prompt replies.. I was really hoping for a beautiful girl and not a boy :)
That is good news.. I will post more pictures when I get home from work of the base of her tail. To answer question about closed eye, I think she has something irritating her eye, especially the right one. I am working to massage and wash whatever it is with a q-tip and warm water gently. If this does not remedy, I will look into further action. Thanks for the prompt replies.. I was really hoping for a beautiful girl and not a boy :)

Aha! Good luck and keep us posted. She is beautiful! :)
Its a female 100%. You can see the lack of bulge in the last pic and the coloration is typical female coloration. Whats wrong with her eyes though?
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