New Member
Please help me! I've had my Chameleon, Artemis, for a few months now and recently she has stopped eating, popping and has been on the floor and won't get up. She doesn't change color except a green, so she's probably not stressed. I read that she might need to lay eggs so I got her a bucket of sand, as suggested, and she has been laying in the sand for the past few days. I went to check on her when I got home from work and noticed a black squishy ball type thing in her sand. She also has something blackish coming out of her butt. I'm really scared because she hasn't eaten in a long time. No crickets, mealworms, nothing. She hasn't pooped either and she won't stay in the branches when I put her up there. Last time I put her up there, she hung upside down for a long time. I don't have the money to take her to the vet and I'm really worried. If I have to take her to the vet, I will but if there's anything I can do, I'd rather do that. Also, I got her some vitamins in a little dripper and gave her some of that but she wouldn't open her mouth... I don't know what to do!!