

New Member
This my first time with a pregnant veiled, and its her first time laying eggs too.She has dug a hole and layed her eggs but now , 24 hours later she is still moving the dirt around. She has buried the eggs fine. Do I just leave her or move her off so I can incubate the eggs
Let me be sure I understand, is she still digging or is she walking around on the soil? If she acts like she wants to lay, I would leave her completely alone.
She's not really digging just patting it down. How long will they eggs be ok in the dirt.
Sorry for all the questions I did my research but things never go how you expect them to go.
No panic, after a little while she just climbed up and sat up under her lamp and eat a locust.
And this is what found.


36 perfect and one dodgy looking eggs.
Now for the wait. Thanks for the help
It's been 3 months now and only 1 egg has gone mouldy and been thrown away. When do I know that my eggs will probably hatch and I will have to buy a new house for them.
It's been 3 months now and only 1 egg has gone mouldy and been thrown away. When do I know that my eggs will probably hatch and I will have to buy a new house for them.

it can take 7-9 months for them to hatch. depending on your temps.
For what it's worth, I would like to add my experience and theory to this.

I have had two female veileds and both showed the same behaviour. As they finished laying late at night, I left the laying bin in the viv intending to remove it the following day. Both of them would go back down the following morning and continue to shift the dirt. In the wild they would choose a suitable site, lay the eggs and leave. When they are in a viv they are obviously still in close proximity to the nest site. It was my thoughts that they could actually still smell the eggs, and therefore feel that they hadn't been 'hidden' well enough thus them carrying on with the dirt shifting. With both of them, once I had removed the laying bin, they didn't return to the bottom of the viv. Anyhow, that is just my 'take' on things.
Maybe she could smell them, she can't now they are in the next room in an incubator. I will hold off buying a little viv then it could be another 6 months yet!
Bad news I lost about half the eggs in a couple of days. I don't know why as nothing changed in temp or moisture. But they all collapsed inwards. I've left them in the incubator for now just to make sure.
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