

New Member
i woke up this morning to find my cham on the bottom of his cage and his mouth is open. i tried dripping somw water infront of him but he diddnt want any...he then made what seemed to be bubbles when he tried to stick his tounge to the cricket i tried to hand feed him....

he just weezed a little bit.

my vet dosent open for about an hour and was wondering iif this is serious or if im just worried over nothing
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Yes this is serious. I would get him to the vet ASAP!!!!! Honestly if your cham is the one in your avatar he doesnt look very well to me but i could be wrong for the pic is very small. Fill this form out
Let us know all the details so someone can help you if it is a problem with husbandry. Like I said get him to the vet. I hope all goes well.

Sorry I reread the post. Is he lying on the ground or just at the bottom. The bubbles could be from the water. Anyway when in doubt go to the vet.
I agree-in that picture he looks extremely think and maybe dehydrated. If he was laying on the bottom that is a HUGE emergency. Bubbles are also a very bad sign. I hope you get him to the vet in time. If he makes it please fill out the how to ask for help as stated above.
I got him from a local pet store and the conditions were horrible so I took him home. I was planning on taking him on Monday regardless of his ondition just to be safe but he had other plans...

I'm at the vet right now and the lady at the desk seemed worried and I haven't seen the doc. Yet.... Not a good sign.
upper res. Infection. Pretty bad. The doc basically said its a 50-50 chance of life at this point... He gave me antibotics to give him by injections every 3 days...
That is great that he is at the vet. Some people would have sat around wondering lookin for answers on here why the cham is acting wierd/sick. While there are a ton of really experienced keepers on here and a wealth of information your vet will be able to determine and treat what is wrong better than anyone hopefully before its to late. I hope your little one pulls thru!
Damn that sucks! Keep him nice and hot... High temps boost the effectiveness of veiled's immune systems and will give him the best shot at survival. Cooler temps will be a death sentence for sure...

Good luck, man.
the vet also said to keep him warm. i have him right now in a smaller elclosure with his heat source and UV light about 10 inches away. what would be a good temp?

right now its about 80.
Damn man. sorry to hear about this. But I guess you intended to help him anyway so good luck.....I had to leave a veiled at a pet store too after members on here let me know I wouldn't be helping the cause but enabling the pet store to keep up their foul practices...
right now its about 85 in the enclosure is that warm enough? or should it be more like basking temps?(low 90's)
it's good enough.
you don't want the whole enclosure to share a basking temp.
sent you a PM
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